Haunted Asylums & Sanitoriums

Danvers State Hospital

Photo Credit: Atlas Obscura

Danvers State Lunatic Asylum is the asylum you may never have heard of, but it's the one that gives asylums a bad name. It's known as the birthplace of the prefrontal lobotomy due to the "refined" use of the procedure by Dr. Walter Freeman; however, it also was one of the first mental hospitals to treat insanity as a curable disease. Danvers' original purpose was to treat the mentally insane, but later it included a pathological research laboratory and a nursing school. Buildings and wings were constantly added, so by 1939 the population at Danvers was over 2,000. Despite this and several reports of patient mistreatment, the hospital continued to defend their "sufficient and humane" care of its patients. Danvers officially closed in 1992 after state budget cuts and remained mostly abandoned for over 20 years.
In 2006, the majority of Danvers State Hospital was demolished, except for the cemetery, underground tunnels and the center buildings, to make way for condominiums. Yes, you can still see the luxury apartments. Of course, this is after the apartment buildings inexplicably burned down in 2007. It appears residents cheerfully live in these apartments with no paranormal disturbances at all...I'm just kidding. There are reports of full body apparitions, doors opening and closing on their own and unexplained footsteps. Sometimes visitors will experience tugging or scratching on their persons. Before the demolition, crew for the film Session 9 also saw shadowy figures while on set and actor Peter Mullan feeling a "morbid curiousity" while in the building and heard a voice tell him to jump off of the roof as he looked down.

Athens Lunatic Asylum

Photo Credit: Southeast Ohio History Center

The building design for the Athens Lunatic Asylum was noticeably influenced by Danvers State Hospital. Athens Lunatic Asylum opened in 1874 and treated mostly Civil War soldiers suffering from what is now considered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It was designed to hold roughly 500 patients; however, by the 1950's, it held nearly 2,000 patients. At first, Athens Lunatic Asylum provided above average care for the time, but as time went by, the staff and administration put more and more of the patients to work maintaining the hospital. Eventually, the asylum became the place to dump not only the mentally ill, but also the elderly, the homeless and even rebellious teenagers. As was typical of these types of facilities, the common forms of treatment at Athens Lunatic Asylum was hydrotherapy, electroshock therapy, lobotomies and psychotropic drugs. Today, it is now owned by Ohio University and is used as a renovated medical facility, though the original cemetery remains intact.
What really sets Athens Lunatic Asylum apart from many other abandoned asylums is the permanent corpse stain from where missing patient Margaret Schilling remained for 42 days. She is reported to have died of heart failure, but when she was found, she was naked and her clothes were folded and lying next to her. Students and visitors can still hear screams echoing through the hallways where apparitions are seen standing. It's speculated that Margaret is still trying to escape from her where she perished.

Rolling Hills Asylum
Rolling Hills

Photo Credit: Spectrum News

This institution was originally the Genesee County Poor House and was established in 1827, functioning as a work farm, but essentially it was considered an almshouse or asylum. Over time, it became a refuge for widows, orphans, the elderly, the mentally ill and even some criminals. The mentally ill and those convicted of "misconduct" were confined to a stone building that was attached to the main Poorhouse. The site that was chosen originally had a tavern on the premises and was chosen for its central location in the county. No matter the reason why they were there, everyone who sought shelter here were called inmates, and anyone who was able, farmed the land or took up a trade to offset the cost to the public, which at the time was $1.08 per week per resident. This cost would be about $22.31 per resident per week in 2018. There was a cemetery on the property; however, since almost every resident was poor, funeral expenses were basically nonexistent; care and maintenance of the graves was even less so. Eventually, the cemetery was reclaimed by the land and no register or plot map has been discovered yet. It's estimated that as many as 1,700 residents died at Rolling Hills Asylum, but there could be hundreds more that are unaccounted. There's a myth that there were so many cadavers at Rolling Hills Asylum, they had to store bodies in the meat locker where they stored the meat they slaughtered on site.
Visitors have regularly recorded EVP's of someone asking them to "please stay in your room," as well as the sound of an organ playing. The tunnels have reports of a lot of paranormal activity, including an occurance where a lady felt she was being escorted out of the tunnels. Visitors and caretakers will regularly hear inexplicable noises and see shadow people through the hallways, as well as more detailed apparitions that look like they're wearing 19th century clothes.

Waverly Hills Sanatorium
Waverly Hills

Photo Credit: Eventbrite

The history of Waverly Hills Sanatorium goes back more than 100 years, when it was just the site of a one-room schoolhouse called "Waverly School." In 1908, the actual sanatorium was established and the name "Waverley Hill" was kept as part of the deal. It did not take long for the small two-story building to become overcrowded with tuberculosis patients and a new facility was constructed in 1924, which was able to hold at least 400 patients. Some of the more common remedies of the day were ultraviolet light radiation, hours outside for fresh air (cold or hot) and inflating patients' lungs with a balloon. This last procedure would often lead to more complications or even death since the balloons would be surgically inserted into the lungs and then filled with air in order to expand the lungs. Casualties of othe disease and "treatment" would be discharged from the hospital through the "body chute," an underground tunnel with a rail system that would transport cadavers down the hill.
By the 1940's, Streptomycin had begun circulating as the medicine to kick tuberculosis' ass, but it wasn't until 1961 that Waverly Hills Sanatorium closed and WoodHaven Medical Services, a geriatric sanatorium, opened in 1962. During its 19 years of operation, allegations of mistreatment persisted, most of which were false, but it was confirmed electroshock therapy was regularly administered and insufficient funding further contributed to woeful conditions. About 5,000 patients died at Waverly Hills Sanatorium, but it's not just former patients who still haunt the hospital. There is the spirit of a nurse on the fifth floor who is rumored to have hung herself, either due to contracting tuberculosis herself or being pregnant and unmarried. Both the fourth and fifth floors are "paranormal hotspots," with several shadow people roaming their hallways and slamming doors, or even holding them shut on visitors. There are also apparitions of children throughout the building who are not at all shy, as well as sightings of men in white lab coats. Even before you enter the sanatorium, you may see faces peering at you through the windows. Unsurprisingly, there are reports of ghosts witnessed in the underground "body chute." In addition to the numerous ghosts on the premises, visitors will experience cold spots, feeling unknown entities tugging on their clothes or pushing, objects flying through the air and recordings of EVP's.

Pennhurst State School and Hospital

Photo Credit: Haunted Travels USA

Also known as the Eastern Pennsylvania Institution for the Feeble Minded and Epileptic, Penhurst State School and Hospital was an institution where thousands of children were admitted by parents who didn't or couldn't take care of their children. Construction on Pennhurst began in 1903 and the first patient was admitted in 1908 under the name, "Patient number 1." In the beginning, any children with physical, developmental or epileptic conditions were admitted, which quickly led to overcrowding; it was later determined children with intellectual disabilities would be the only ones admitted. As this was at the height of the eugenics movement in the United States, this label was further defined in 1913 as being "unfit for citizenship" and "a menace to the peace." It may make you further shudder, dear traveler, that legislation had been passed in Pennsylvania shortly before Pennhurst was opened, called "an act for the prevention of idiocy," that made it mandatory and legal for institutions like Pennhurst to perform mental and physical examination of "idiots and imbecile children" in order to determine if "procreation was inadvisable," and, if so, it would be acceptable "for the surgeon to perform such operation for the prevention of procreation as shall be decided safest and most effective."
It should be noted blatant maltreatment was not intended for the inmates of Pennhurst and some of the staff even worked on their days off and weekends, even though the state budget did not allow for this. However, this can't erase the testimonies of former patients who reported restraints, isolation and psychotropic drugs being used to cover for insufficient staffing, assaults among patients and beatings and rapes perpetrated by staff onto patients. When patients were visited, their families would see they had bruises, cuts, bites and missing teeth, which can sometimes be found today in the tunnels. Evidence of paranormal activity at Pennhurst is too high to ignore, but when the hospital is basically a Halloween attraction, it's difficult to determine the fake from the legitimate. Many paranormal investigations have occurred on the property and have yielded EVP's, electric and magnetic field (EMF) spikes and even a fullbodied apparition of a little girl in Quaker Hall. There are also reports of shadow people, particularly in the Philadelphia Building, as well as hearing disembodied voices, doors opening and closing by themselves and objects moving on their own. Some visitors will also feel as if they're being pushed or scratched, in addition to cold spots, as they walk through the hallways.

Yorktown Memorial Hospital

Photo Credit: Texas Hill Country

Yorktown, Texas, may be a sleepy town compared to wild San Antonio or Houston, but the residents of the now-abandoned Yorktown Memorial Hospital compensate with their notorious activity. Yorktown Memorial Hospital was opened in 1950 as a rehabilitation center for drug and alcohol abusers by the Felician Sisters, a Roman Catholic order of nuns founded in Poland and moved to the United States in the early nineteenth century. During its 38 years of operation under the sisters, allegedly 2,000 patients died due to poor management and general lack of knowledge on the part of the sisters on how to care for addicts. The hospital was closed because a newer facility was built in a neighboring city, but the building was shortly used again as a drug rehabilitation center. The hospital has sat abandoned for years after it was permanently shut down by the state because the administration and staff could not control their patients, possibly climaxing when a triple murder took place in the basement.
If you set up a tour of the old hospital and have tattoos, beware, because you may be choked or scratched by the nuns who still reside there; in addition to choking and scratching, visitors have been slapped, kicked and punched. Full-bodied apparitions and shadow people have been reported by visitors and caretakers of the hospital. The caretaker himself has also seen strange lights that appear to look like glowing red eyes, and he will sometimes hear tapping on glass. It's believed there are multiple spirits still haunting there, but the one who doesn't seem to have a backstory is a child named Stacy who will interact with visitors in the basement and the library, such as rolling a ball toward you and appearing for storytime. There is also the prevailing story of a man who died on the back steps of the hospital after his friends dumped him one night while he overdosed; the nuns were either not at their post or the bell wasn't working because he was found dead in the morning. He reportedly can be seen wandering along the back hallway of the hospital. Finally, a former doctor of the hospital is said to haunt the hallways near the doctor's lounge and operating rooms, where he completely botched a thyroid procedure by slitting a man's throat. While most activity in other haunted places occur at night, there is a high likelihood of recording quality EVP's in the hospital chapel on Sunday morning's which may even include organ music.

Aradale Lunatic Asylum

Photo Credit: The Courier

The reported year Aradale Lunatic Asylum ranges from 1863 to 1867, with it officially designated as an asylum in 1867; however, the year is relative since during this period of time was not known for its understanding of the mentally ill, nor who was actually ill and who just did not conform to societal standards. It was the first hospital to open in Victoria, Australia, and at its peak would house nearly 1,000 patients. According to a researcher for Aradale Asylum Tours states there were four categories for mental illness: mania, melancholia, dementia and paranoia; these four categories could cover everything from Schizophrenia to laziness, Downs Syndrome to political activism, Postpartum Depression to Autism, and all were treated with a combination of confinement, restraints and electroshock therapy. It took only two signatures to admit someone to a mental asylum at the time, but later it would take eight signatures to release a patient. In 1886, the old gaol in Ararat was absorbed into Aradale Lunatic Asylum and designated as J Ward and was used as a holding cell for inmates already in the gaol, as well as those considered criminally insane. There is no clear, substantiated record of how many died in Aradale Lunatic Asylum, but according to the research staff, they estimate about a third of the patients who were admitted to the asylum never walked out.
Despite the sensationalized mortality rate, the publicized suicides at the hospital cannot be ignored, one of whom was a female patient admitted for "melancholia and suicidal mania" and within a month consumed household disinfectant. A doctor at the asylum also poisoned himself, but with prussic acid, or hydrogen cyanide. Did they escape life only to be chained to the place of their death? It's entirely possible, but with so many deaths and reports of maltreatment in the asylum, is it any wonder that visitors will feel as if they're being watched, or even scratched and pulled at? Visitors have heard disembodied screams throughout the asylum's halls and even experienced a bitter taste in their mouths while passing by the room of the doctor who ingested prussic acid; of course, this could just be the power of suggestion at work. Since J Ward continued to operate as a gaol, hangings would still occur and the prisoners would be unceremoniously buried in the on-site cemetery. It's believed these men and women cannot rest because they did not receive a Christian burial. Another prisoner in J Ward, Gary Webb, was allegedly mutilated himself 70 times and visitors will sometimes hear a disembodied voice yell, "Get out" if they dare enter his old cell.

Alcatraz Island

Photo Credit: Prison History

Alcatraz Island was originally called La Isla de los Alcatraces (Island of the Pelicans) by Juan Manuel de Ayala, a Spanish explorer, in 1775 because apparently there are a lot of birds there; this would have made the former inmate "Birdman" Robert Stroud very happy since he apparently had an affinity for birds despite being a convicted murderer. In 1850, President Filmore signed an executive order to make Alcatraz Island a military fixture and it mainly incarcerated military prisoners, which included Confederate sympathizers and "rogue" Hopi Native Americans, throughout the rest of the 19th century. It also served as the first lighthouse on the West Coast of the United States. In the entirety of its operation as a prison, there are only 14 known escape attempts tried by a total of 36 inmates from The Rock. Of those 36 inmates, 23 were caught alive, six were shot while trying to escape, two were confirmed to have drowned and five went missing, but it's assumed they drowned.
Similar to West Virginia State Penitentiary, full bodied apparitions had been seen by guards, as well as prisoners, since the 1940's. Even before it was turned into a military prison by the U.S. government, the island was used as a place of banishment for those who broke tribal law by Native Americans because they believed there were evil spirits residing on the island. The sounds of a woman sobbing would be regularly heard in the prison, but the woman could never be located. Guards would often hear cannons and guns firing and think the prisoners were somehow rioting; however, all was clear when they investigated further. An entity referred to as "The Thing" would appear out of the dark with its glowing red eyes. It's possible this "thing" is responsible for a death of a prisoner who was sentenced time in the "Hole," basically solitary confinement. As soon as he was locked in, he started screaming there was someone with glowing eyes in the "Hole" with him and he begged to be let out, but his pleas were ignored. The inmate continued to scream and then abruptly stopped. In the morning when the guards opened the cell for inspection, they found the man dead with handprints around his throat and the autopsy confirmed he did not strangle himself. Even odder, this victim was seen the day after he died in line ups for roll call and then disappeared before witnesses' eyes.

Eastern State Penitentiary
Eastern State

Photo Credit: Visit Philly

The road to Eastern State Penitentiary was built with good Quaker intentions. In 1829, The Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons succeeded in opening what was to become the first prison in the world to not just punish, but rehabilitate convicts with labor and isolation. The term, "penitentiary," actually came from Eastern State because it was actually believed this new penal system would make the prisoners penitent. As we now know, isolation does not inspire penitence, but madness; Charles Dickens even noticed this during his visit in 1842. Aside from being forced to wear hoods when outside of their cells and suffering the "iron gag" if they refused to stay silent, the prisoners were the first of their kind to have access to central heat, indoor plumbing and a skylight. At this time, not even the President of the United States had running water or central heat.
It's interesting to note that not only did Al Capone serve time in Alcatraz Island, but he also spent a year in Eastern State Penitentiary. By most accounts, his cell at Eastern State was nicer than most studio apartments as he had oriental rugs, a radio and comfortable furniture; however, even fine living couldn't distract Al from a ghost that would constantly torment him (of course, that could have been the syphilis). Visitors will regularly report hearing footsteps, whispers, screams and laughter in blocks 4 and 6, as well as seeing shadow men moving among the hallways. In the early 1990's, when Gary Johnson, a locksmith, had opened a lock in block 4, he was immediately grasped by what he described as a negative energy that seemed to entreat him to enter the cell.

Fort Mifflin
Fort Mifflin

Photo Credit: Momentum Digital

Plans began in 1771 by Great Britain to build a fort along the Delaware River as a strategic defensive position, but it was finished by Americans in 1776. One year later, Fort Mifflin became one of the sites where the tide started to flow in favor of the Americans as it endured constant attacks from the British Navy. A garrison of 400 American soldiers held them off for six weeks so General George Washington and his forces could safely arrive in Valley Forge and form a full-fledged army to fight the British. The troops at Fort Mifflin held off the British Navy's attempts to resupply their occupying forces in Philadelphia and barrage of bombs until they finally had to abandon the fort, but not before setting fire to it and leaving the American flag flying over the war-torn remains. The fort was named after General Thomas Mifflin who would later become Governor Mifflin of Pennsylvania in 1790. The fort was finally repaired and ready for duty just in time for the Civil War, in which it functioned as a temporary military prison; the highest count of Confederate prisoners of war was 216 and most of them were later transferred to larger facilities, such as Fort Delaware. Union prisoners of war, on the other hand, would be whipped, branded or hung by their thumbs for not just desertion, but also insubordination of any kind. Fort Mifflin went through repairs again in 1917 and served as an ammunitions depot during World War I, and then again in World War II. It was fully decommissioned in 1954 and sat in disuse and disrepair until 1969 when organizations lobbied for funds to preserve Fort Mifflin while also conducting tours and other programs.
Death has visited Fort Mifflin many times since the Revolutionary War when an estimated 250 of the 400 men garrisoned at the fort died during the six week bombardment. One of the spirits who has not been able to leave is that of Private William Howe, the only recorded soldier to be executed at Fort Mifflin during the Civil War. He deserted due to an "inflammation of the bowels" (fortmifflin.us) and when he was inevitably arrested, one of the arresting officers was killed in the altercation, which added a murder charge to poor William in addition to desertion. It's believed he is The Faceless Man who has been witnessed around the casements where prisoners would have been held. There have been other full bodied apparitions seen in the casements and disembodied voices heard with a distinct Southern accent; of course, there have been numerous reports of seeing people in period clothing throughout the fort who aren't found on the payroll. It's believed that a blacksmith is still working at the Fort and is responsible for constantly opening the doors to the blacksmith shop even after they've been securely latched closed. Disembodied screams have also been heard regularly throughout the fort and these are attributed to Elizabeth Pratt, a woman who allegedly hung herself out of guilt in the Officer Quarters after she found out her daughter, whom she had disowned after discovering she was spending time with a Fort Mifflin officer, had died of dysentery. It's believed she hung herself in or near the Officer Quarters as this is where the screams appear to originate. On a lighter note, children's laughter and a dog barking has been heard near the Commandant's House; however, there are never any children or animals nearby.

Ohio State Reformatory
Ohio Reformatory

Photo Credit: Destination Mansfield

If you enjoy watching The Shawshank Redemption, then the Ohio State Reformatory is already on your roadtrip bucket list since it's one of the film sets. Before it was a reformatory or film set, the land it sits on served as Camp Mordecai Bartley, a training camp for volunteer militia groups that opened in August, 1861, following the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter. In 1886, construction began on the Ohio State Reformatory, which was supposed to be a facility for first-time offenders and a halfway point between the Boys Industrial School and the Ohio Penitentiary. Regretably, the road to this Hell was riddled with good intentions to rehabilitate and educate. The reformatory quickly progressed into a higher security prison that held more and more violent prisoners, which inevitably led to more fights, escape attempts and abusive punishments; in fact, prisoners were just as likely to be abused by fellow prisoners as by the guards. One of the most infamous forms of punishment was three days spent in "the hole," which is just as hospitable as it sounds. Sometimes two prisoners entered "the hole," and only one left.
At six tiers tall, the East Block of Ohio State Reformatory, or Mansfield Reformatory, still remains the largest free standing steel cell block in the world and absolutely notorious for violent spirits. In this block, a man committed suicide by pouring kerosene and lighting himself on fire; unfortunately, he did not get the escape he was looking for as visitors and staff still see him in his old cell. In the adjoining cemetery, there are 215 numbered markers for those who never got to leave the reformatory alive; it could be deduced some of these people were the victims of the aforementioned abuse, but poor conditions provided an ideal environment for pestilence and disease, such as tuberculosis and influenza. You should be aware that if you try to take pictures in the old graveyard, there's a possibility your camera will stop working and the metal grave markers will move on their own. The basement, which contains the infamous hole, is possibly the most haunted location in the reformatory with numerous cold spots and feeling of nausea and paranoia. The full-bodied apparitions of a teenage boy and guard have also been seen down in the basement. The ghosts up in the Tower don't enjoy visitors in their space, so take extra care or you may be pushed or shoved down the stairs. There are also disembodied voices heard in the stairwell to the Tower, as well as the former Warden's living quarters where his wife was allegedly shot by accident; he later died of a heart attack in his office. It's believed the couple are still conversing in the afterlife and visitors can still smell her perfume.

Heart Mountain Relocation Center
Heart Mountain

Photo Credit: Alliance for Historic Wyoming

Heart Mountain Relocation Center was the only concentration camp located in Wyoming after President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed an executive order on February 19, 1942, "authorizing the Secretary of War to prescribe military areas" (Executive Order No. 9066, February 19, 1942). Though they were not like the Nazi death camps, they were still concentration camps that were hastily slapped together to remove a certain minority from society. Within two months, 467 barracks were built and surfaced with tar paper for the often harsh Wyoming weather, but with no bathrooms, running water nor, at first, heat sources of any kind. The first Japanese Americans arrived in Heart Mountain exactly six months after the executive order was signed; at the peak of its operation, over 10,000 prisoners occupied Heart Mountain which made it the third largest town in Wyoming. It was possible to maintain employment and education surrounded by the barb wire fencing of the concentration camp; however, food and materials were usually in low supply and, in order to ensure loyalty outside of the camp, the education system included heavy amounts of American culture and English classes. There was also a noticeable discrepancy in compensation and status between the prisoners and Caucasian authorities, which led to sporadic spouts of resistance, especially after recruiters started approaching members of the Japanese American military who were deemed unfit for duty after Pearl Harbor.
Finally, in December, 1944-January, 1945, the process of dismantling the relocation center system began and each ex-inmate was given a train ticket and $25 ($354.20 in 2018 currency). It took considerably longer to release the remaining Japanese Americans than it did to "relocate" them (nearly a year for everyone to vacate), but not everyone was able to leave; over the three years of its operation, more than 14,000 people were imprisoned, 148 of those died in the camp and the majority of the deceased were cremated on site. Heart Mountain Relocation Center is infamous for the "Shadow People" who are most active at night, but can still be seen during the day by visitors. There are even reports of a spirit who guides visitors around the buildings and disembodied footsteps have also been heard in the barracks, as well as feeling cold spots and of being watched, which could be emotional residue from being monitored and imprisoned without due process.

Burlington County Prison

Photo Credit: Roadtrippers

Similar to Eastern State Penitentiary, the Burlington County Prison was planned by Quakers as a model for prison reformation, but also as a workhouse; they commissioned Robert Mills, also a Quaker, to plan a jail that would provide "religious instruction, education and vocational training" (Burlington County Prison Museum Association, 2019). Mills was a notable architect by this point, as he was personally requested by Thomas Jefferson to design his home, Monticello. It was built 18 years before Eastern State in 1811 and initially there was a warden who lived on site with his wife, who would also be an unpaid warden of the female prisoners housed in a separate part of the prison. There was an average of seven to eight female inmates at a time and the youngest recorded was a one month old girl, according to compiled census data. Altogether, the jail was designed to incarcerate 40 inmates, but overcrowding was still an issue because there were 100 inmates incarcerated by the time it closed. One of these previous inmates was self-confessed Boston Strangler Albert DeSalvo, who spent 18 months in jail for basically being a "peeping tom."
By the time it closed in 1965, it was the oldest operating jail in the country where nine executions took place, all of which were done by hanging. These executions were most likely more gruesome than was customary since the executioners were inexperienced and thin hemp rope was used, which would almost guarantee a prisoner would die of strangulation as opposed to a broken neck. It's believed one of the ghosts haunting the jail is Joel Clough, who was one of the first to be executed there, since it was shortly after his execution when paranormal activity was first reported. This activity included unexplained moaning, disembodied footsteps, rattling chains and cigarette smoke wafting through the "dungeon" and "The Death Cell." The last two prisoners executed in 1906, Rufus Johnson and George Small, are also believed to haunt the jail, along with Clough. When the jail was being renovated, apparitions were regularly witnessed, screams heard and tools were lost and later found in locked cells. When paranormal investigators visit the jail, they will find the most activity occur between 8 PM and midnight, which include orbs, EVP's and spikes in electromagnetic fields. In addition to executions, there were also various escape attempts that led to deaths of guards and even a warden, which would explain why apparitions are regularly seen on site, notably legless apparitions and shadowy figures.

Old Newgate Prison & Copper Mine
Old Newgate

Photo Credit: State of Connecticut

Here there will be history and reports of paranormal activity in the Old Newgate Prison and Copper Mine.
We're eternally grateful for your patience.

Old Idaho Penitentiary
Old Idaho Pen

Photo Credit: Boise Events

Here there will be history and reports of paranormal activity at the Old Idaho Penitentiary.
We're eternally grateful for your patience.

Old Blackford City Jail
Old Blackford

Photo Credit: City-Data

Here there will be history and reports of paranormal activity at the Old Blackford City Jail.
We're eternally grateful for your patience.

Old Montana Territorial Prison
Old Montana

Photo Credit: Montana

Here there will be history and reports of paranormal activity at the Old Montana Territorial Prison.
We're eternally grateful for your patience.

Old Charleston Jail
Old Charleston

Photo Credit: Flyway

Here there will be history and reports of paranormal activity at the Old Charleston Jail.
We're eternally grateful for your patience.

Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon
Old Exchange

Photo Credit: Charleston, SC

Here there will be history and reports of paranormal activity at the Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon.
We're eternally grateful for your patience.

Old Nevada State Prison
Old Nevada

Photo Credit: Only In Your State

Here there will be history and reports of paranormal activity at the Old Nevada State Prison.
We're eternally grateful for your patience.

For your unfinished business regarding haunted prisons, line up for ...
Fort Delaware, Delaware City, DE
Fort McHenry, Baltimore, MD
The Public Gaol, Williamsburg, VA
West Virginia State Penitentiary, Moundsville, WV

For your unfinished business regarding haunted asylums & hospitals, admit yourself to these facilities...
Baltimore County Almshouse, Cockeysville, MD
Hotel Parq Central, Albuquerque, NM
St. Albans Sanitorium, Radford, VA
Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, Weston, WV

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